Category Archives: News

Twenty years of CHOCOLAT!

Twenty years ago today, CHOCOLAT launched in the UK. It wasn’t my first novel, but it was the first time any of my books had had so much attention. This is me at my book launch (the first one I’d ever had) at Fortum & Mason’s, not even trying to look cool, but just enjoying every minute of it…

Here it is, twenty years later, back in its original jacket, with a new introduction by me, as part of the anniversary celebrations.

Of course I had no idea at the time how much that little book would come to mean to me and to my family: how many chocolate shops would be opened in Vianne’s name, how many people would read it and find themselves suddenly craving chocolate. That funny little book did so much for me and for the literary world: even its cover sparked off a fashion for jewel colours and sensuous imagery, rather than the sensible, dull book jackets of old. People from all over the world have written to me, telling me how much my book has meant to them.

Chocolate brings us together. It sweetens our celebrations. It links us with a past that is filled with magic, and folklore, and history. It has come a very long way: from obscure tribal concoction to one of the the most popular flavours in the world. And over the past twenty years, my book has had a similar journey, crossing over continents; taking me to places I’d only ever dreamed of seeing. Many, many people have given it their seal of approval: thank you so much to them, and to you.

Also, on the 20th anniversary of CHOCOLAT: how amazing does this sound?

A holiday of a lifetime on a paradise island, with glorious beaches, chocolate plantations, guided walks, internationally acclaimed gourmet chefs, chocolate tasting, chocolate-themed menus and a writing workshop with me –


For booking details and more, click here!


There’s going to be a lot going on over the next few months! You’ll be able to read more about all of this in my February newsletter (if you haven’t signed up yet, what are you waiting for?), but here are some of the things to watch:

The STRAWBERRY THIEF proofs have now gone out to reviewers, critics and bloggers – and don’t they look amazing!

The hardback edition isn’t quite the same – in fact it may be even more beautiful. Sign up to the newsletter and you’ll get the chance to win one, too, as part of our monthly competition – as well as a sample of the perfume created for me by CPL Labs to celebrate the return of Vianne Rocher

There are a great number of STRAWBERRY THIEF events coming up for March, April and May – and they’re already selling  fast. So take a look at where I am, and get your tickets early.

Author news: I am now officially a member of the Board of the ALCS: the organization that collects secondary rights payments on behalf of authors: if you’re an author and you’re not a member,  they probably owe you money. Join today to claim it!

I’m also coming to the end of my term as a member of the MC of the Society of Authors: I shall be standing again later this year for another three-year term, so please consider voting for me if you’ve noticed what I’ve been doing to help the cause of fellow-authors. And if you’re an author, and you haven’t yet joined the Society, please consider doing so now. It’s worth it just for the contract advice, the liability insurance and the networking opportunities…

Also coming soon , there’s this: A song recorded by women from all kinds of backgrounds to celebrate women’s achievements for International Women’s Day in March – and it will feature a cameo from me! Follow the hashtag #Twentyfirstcenturywomansong on Twitter, Instagram and Facebook to find out more…

Happy New Year!

Happy New Year, everyone! 2019 is already shaping up to be a busy one, with lots of new and exciting plans. December 2018 was busy too, so here’s in case you missed these:

The #Storytime Band and I were on Radio 3’s Christmas Verb, recording live from Huddersfield’s Vinyl Tap, with a story and two of our songs. If you missed it, you can download it here….

I also did a show with Howard Goodall for  Radio 4’s Only Artists, in which we discussed all kinds of things, from our working methods, our heroes, inspiration and the future of the arts. We talked for hours! But you can listen to the edited highlights  here…

If you’re not yet a subscriber to my newsletter, know that it comes out every month, with news, exclusive previews, competitions, art, giveaways and writing tips. Sign up now to stay in the loop…



And as Christmas approaches, we enter the season of #Shedvent, in which, from December 1st, the Shed opens to reveal a different surprise every day! Follow the hashtag on Twitter to collect them all…

And, for the bookish folk in your life, here are my top ten Christmas gift recommendations…

  1. Chocolate lover? Student of Life? Get this Chocolate Therapy app, and find out what your favourite chocolate says about you…
  2. Need a bit of magic in your life? Grimm & Co’s Novel Tea Box contains all kinds of magical goodies – including a copy of either THE BLUE SALT ROAD or  A POCKETFUL OF CROWS – your choice. And all the proceeds go to helping children’s literacy and creativity…
  3. Everyone knows that writers (and readers) flourish best on tea and cake. Botham’s of Whitby provide hampers to suit any budget. Look out for the terrific plum bread, and the phenomenal ginger brack… 
  4. These personalized pencils are great for the storyteller in your life – or for a favourite teacher…
  5. Why not offer a writer friend a professional assessment of their manuscript, synopsis or first 50 pages? 
  6. Or what about a custom piece of jewellery with their favourite inspirational quote?
  7. Of course, you could always give them a copy of our very own #Storytime CD – only available from this website. Four original story/songs, written and performed by me and the #Storytime Band..
  8. If you’re feeling flush, you could buy them a pair of Dickensian fingerless gloves (in luxurious cashmere, of course) for those long, cold days in the garret…
  9. Too polite to tell your friends and family to leave you alone? Let this existentialist doormat deliver the message for you.
  10. Or you could buy them a subscription to the Society of Authors, and help them invest in their future…Also:  This Christmas, BookTrust has launched a scheme to help give vulnerable children access to books. If you’d like to know more, check out this link… 


Out now! THE BLUE SALT ROAD, online and in bookshops.

“The Blue Salt Road is a tale of discovery, a story of entrapment, an account of terror and a poem of unconditional love. Joanne M. Harris is a wondrous writer who can spin the darkest tale and still leave room for hope. I was captivated by this story. I don’t usually do fairy tales but this one had me hanging on every word. I thought that usually the dark and gritty essence of a fairy tale was implied or hidden between the lines but not here. I was under the impression that this would be a charming love story but again I was very wrong.

Harris has created a tale that shocks to the core, that drives the reader to the conclusion with haunting yet courageous prose and leaves people like me unsettled by the capabilities of man. Harris has a deep appreciation for nature and that only serves to enrich the story telling. It immersed me fully into the narrative as Harris describes the sea life, the sea itself and the boats that sail on its surface.”

(Stuart, for Goodreads.)

Want to give a reader or writer friend a really special present? Grimm & Co are now stocking THE BLUE SALT ROAD and A POCKETFUL OF CROWS as part of their magical gift box! Details here – all proceeds go to Grimm & Co, helping to promote literacy, creativity,  and magic: changing the world, one story at a time…


…is out on November 15th! And doesn’t it look lovely…

The ocean has many voices. It sings in the voice of the pilot whale; the voice of the dolphin; the waves on the beach. It sings in the voice of a thousand birds; it cries in the wind that howls through the rocks upon the distant skerries. But most of all, it sings in the voice of the selkie; those people of the ocean clans that hunt with the seal, and dance with the waves, and, nameless, go on forever.

With cover art by Sue Gent and internal art by Bonnie Helen Hawkins, this novella is an object of beauty as well as (I hope) a great story. I’ll be doing some readings and signings to celebrate its publication, but if you can’t get to one to get your book signed, I’ll be sending out a signed, dedicated bookplate to anyone who supports me on Ko-fi during the month of November. Just buy me a coffee, tell me to whom you’d like the dedication, and I’ll send one to the address provided by PayPal…


Happy October, everyone!

October is the month in which the reader’s heart turns to mulled wine, and hot chocolate, and pumpkin spice, and the chance to curl up under a blanket, by a fire, with a book that makes you dream of different worlds from the safety and warmth of your own hearth.

If distant countries make you dream, you can now buy copies of THE WRITER’S MAP, with chapters from me, Philip Pullman and many other wanderers through the landscapes of the mind. And if you’re starting to feel the cold, you can also pre-order copies of THE BLUE SALT ROAD, to be published this November. Or if your heart craves the comfort of audiobooks this autumn, I just recorded the introduction and the epilogue to the new audiobook, and from what I’ve already heard, I know it’s going to be fabulous…



Readers of my newsletter will already know something about this book, but it’s now official: I have moved from Transworld to Orion, whose Gollancz imprint have been publishing my fantasy books for some years, and they will be publishing THE STRAWBERRY THIEF in April next year. You can read more about it in this piece from The Bookseller.

THE STRAWBERRY THIEF is the fourth book in a sequence that began with CHOCOLAT, the last of which, PEACHES FOR MONSIEUR LE CURE, was published seven years ago. Why the long wait? Well, although it may seem that I move from one genre to another without much logic, my writing moves in a kind of elliptical orbit, visiting a number of satellites (fantasy, psychological thrillers, literary fiction) once every six or seven years. Lansquenet-sous-Tannes is one of those satellites, and I always feel particularly happy to find myself once more able to reconnect with Vianne Rocher and her daughters.

I’ll be posting the occasional extract for my supporters to read on ko-fi, and for those who subscribe to my monthly newsletter. We should have cover art soon, too, as well as some advance notice of events next year – so keep watching for details…



The first draft of the new book is finished at last, and I’m in that rare and strange area of uncertainty between drafting and editing where for once, there’s not much to do. The last #Storytime show of the summer was at Underneath the Stars last weekend – warmest thanks to everyone who was there. You were a terrific audience, and we enjoyed playing for you so much. If anyone has any pictures, I’d love to see them -in all the excitement I left my phone at home, and so I couldn’t take any…

So far, we have these – but any others would be greatly appreciated.

If you couldn’t make a show this year, don’t worry – we still have copies of the #Storytime CD, and we’re adding new events all the time, so watch the Events page for details…


And as the end of the new book finally swims into the light, I’m looking forward to a month of sunshine, festivals, music and stories.

The #Storytime Band and I will be performing at the Underneath the Stars festival on Sunday July 22nd, and at Goathlands on Saturday 14th. Get your tickets here, or look at the WHERE’S JOANNE? section on this site.

The #Storytime CD is selling briskly – thank you for all your orders, and for your terrific feedback so far. There are still some left – you can check it out here – and each one comes with a signed, personalized postcard from me.

Read a review of #Storytime here…

“Everything a progressive album should be… really liked that the production is very natural and there is room for dynamics to shine.” (Duncan Parsons, John Hackett Band)

#Storytime CD

The #Storytime CD is available at last!

A sampler of four unpublished storysongs, narrated by me, and performed by me and the #Storytime Band. Available only from this website, or at one of our events.

Want one? Find out more about it here…

I’ve also upgraded my Ko-fi account, which means that I’ll be regularly posting hitherto unseen material to my Ko-fi patrons.  That may include: excerpts from works-in-progress; writing tips; unseen photographs – plus I’ll be taking requests for contributions from my regular supporters. If you’d like to get on board, make suggestions or benefit from offers of signed stuff, just check out my page at Ko-fi…


In other news, my absurdly talented daughter has opened a website offering editorial, manuscript evaluation, synopsis evaluation and writing coaching services. If you need any of these, you might consider checking out her website. I know I’m a little biased, but she’s very good and very thorough (and she has been well taught…) Check out her site at


The new book in my RUNE series is out at last! Thank you so much to everyone who has already reviewed it. If not, know that reviews on Amazon and elsewhere help authors immensely, as well as introducing other readers to books they might love…

Read more about it here…

And in other news…

Here’s the cover of my new novella, due on November 15, 2018, set in the same world as A POCKETFUL OF CROWS. Interior illustrations are by Bonnie Helen Hawkins: the cover design is by Sue Gent.

More about the book here…











May Eve

This Beltane, a few magical things to look out for!

One, you can pre-order THE TESTAMENT OF LOKI here, and claim your limited-edition Loki badge…

Two: I have a new short story out in this lovely book from Mantle Lane Press: find out more about ordering here…

Three: the full-length audiobook of CHOCOLAT is available from Orion audio, narrated by Yours Truly…

Four: I have a new short story, for audio only, in a collection from Audible, called BARD. Also featuring stories from Ben Okri and Sophie Hannah, you can find out more here, or subscribe to my newsletter to win a free download!

Springtime in the Shed

And now that Spring is here at last, the Shed is a hive of activity. First, the #Storytime band and I have been playing various venues around the region – the Coalville festival, Chesterfield Library Theatre and the Barnsley Lamp Room Theatre, to name a few – plus we’ll be playing more gigs over the next three or four months. (See the Events page for dates are they become available.) Here we are in the Lamp Room, where we performed the whole of A POCKETFUL OF CROWS (the 40-minute, full-length version) for the very first time. Thank you so much to everyone who was there – you were such a warm, responsive and welcoming audience – and after all your cheers and applause, we might even dare play it again someday…

This month also sees the publication of RUNELIGHT in paperback, and, for the first time ever, the full-length, unabridged audiobook of CHOCOLAT – read by the author! It’s the first time I’ve read a full-length audiobook myself, so let me know what you think. If you like it, I may consider recording another…

Also: the proofs of THE TESTAMENT OF LOKI are out now. If you subscribed to last month’s newsletter, you will have had a chance to win one, but don’t worry if you haven’t. There will be other opportunities to read ARCS and review copies. Just check out Goodreads and Twitter for giveaways; and, as always, be aware that pre-orders are very important to authors. They help them hit the bestseller lists – and that means more chance of publishers commissioning more in the series!

First Day of Spring – ha!

And the spring is in with an icy blast of snow and ice from the Russian steppes, which is interesting, as this week my daughter is moving to Moscow. I guess this is Nature’s way of making me feel connected, although honestly I’d settle for a nice furry hat and some snow boots. However, the weather has forced me to spend more time than ever in the Shed (which is by far the warmest place at draughty Chateau Harris), where THE STRAWBERRY THIEF is moving slowly forwards, the proofs for THE TESTAMENT OF LOKI have been sent off and I’m in the process of finishing  reading the last of the Betty Trask Prize entries AND judging a Fragrance Foundation scent award, which involves me trying on dozens of numbered scent samples and  putting them into categories. Basically, all my favourite occupations rolled into one, with the extra bonus of copious amounts of tea and biscuits

(of which the Shed always has an emergency supply).  Last week I was in London, recording the new unabridged audiobook of CHOCOLAT. I’m hoping it will come out next year to co-incide with the 20th anniversary of the novel’s publication – and we’ll be celebrating in some other ways, too.  I know that  some of you have been waiting impatiently for this audiobook – the rights were sold for peanuts many, many years ago, and I’ve only just managed to get them back. If you enjoy this one, I might have a go at recording BLACKBERRY WINE next.

Thanks to everyone who contributed to my ko-fi account, which has now raised nearly 50% of its projected target! As a result, the #Storytime CD is now in production, and the band and I will be selling copies as we tour this spring. Check out the Events page to find out where we’ll be. And Bonnie is hard at work on a series of stunning illustrations for THE BLUE SALT ROAD, which I’m hoping we’ll see published in October…

Meanwhile, there’s always the newsletter, which this month will give you a chance to win a proof copy of TESTAMENT, as well as giving you a glimpse of an extract…


It seems as if January has passed by in a blur. Lots of things are happening (more details in the newsletter, if you’d like to subscribe to updates): including progress on THE STRAWBERRY THIEF, which is turning into quite a strange, dark tale, and lots of work with the band on what we are now calling the CROW SUITE (not just one storysong, but a whole set of them, based on A POCKETFUL OF CROWS.) If things go well with the Storytime CD, we might think about recording it, but right now you can only hear the music is you come to one of our shows. Bonnie is hard at work on pictures for the new novella, which for the moment I’m calling THE BLUE SALT ROAD. And the good folk at Gollancz are putting together my tour for THE TESTAMENT OF LOKI, which will be coming out in May, so it’s going to be a busy year! Charles Vess has been working all last year on illustrating the anniversary edition of EARTHSEA, but has promised that he’ll start work on HONEYCOMB this year, which hopefully should give us a publication date of autumn 2019 – yes, I know it’s frustrating to have to wait, but that’s the price we have to pay if we want the best…

And speaking of the best, here’s another of Bonnie’s crows. She’ll be drawing one of these a week, so keep your prompt stories coming.  (600 words or less, remember!) You can send them to: with the tag “52 CROWS.”