Category Archives: News



 Gollancz have announced the publication of HONEYCOMB – coming out in Autumn 2017


Gollancz to publish Joanne Harris’s #storytime fairy tales

Gollancz is delighted to have acquired world rights to publish a collection of dark, captivating fairy tales from Whitbread-shortlisted author, Joanne Harris. The multi-million-copy bestselling writer habitually delights her 25, 000 followers on Twitter with serialised short stories shared with the hashtag #storytime. Honeycomb is the first beautifully illustrated volume of Joanne Harris’s captivating and brilliantly imaginative #storytime tales.

Orion Deputy Group Director, Jon Wood, bought the rights from Peter Robinson of Rogers, Coleridge & White Literary Agency.

Joanne Harris writes: “I started writing my #storytime tales four years ago, live on Twitter, as an exercise in different storytelling narratives. Since then, some of them have become songs, a stage show – even a couple of mini-operas – and now I’m delighted to be able to collaborate with Charles Vess – an artist I’ve admired for years – to make them into a book; an illustrated collection of new fairy stories with a dark, traditional feel – for people of all ages.”

Charles Vess adds: “I’ve been reading Joanne’s work since the publication of Chocolat and Blackberry Wine I’m more than excited by the opportunity this project gives me to transform her words into pen and ink marks and washes of colour onto the printed page.”

Jon Wood writes: “I’m incredibly excited about this beautiful new project. The combination of Joanne’s rich fantasy storytelling with Charles Vess’s haunting imagery will make this one of the highlights of 2017 in all genres.”

Honeycombwill be beautifully illustrated throughout, with line drawings and full-colour plate sections by Charles Vess, the award-winning artist who illustrated Stardust by Neil Gaiman and The Ladies of Grace Adieu by Suzanne Clarke.

Honeycombwill be published in hardback and e-book on the 21st September 2017.


We’ll let you have more news about this exciting project as soon as we have some.


HorrorologyHorrorology:The Lexicon of Fear   –  New horror anthology edited by Stephen Jones and illustrated by Clive Barker featuring a new story by Joanne is out on 1st October 2015




Read Joanne’s Horrorology interview with Angela Slatter here


Pre-order your copy of Horrorology: The Lexicon of Fear here!





Doctor Who

“Those people who say that words have no power know nothing of the nature of words. Words, well placed, can end a regime; can turn affection to hatred; can start a religion, or even a war. Words are the shepherds of lies; they lead the best of us to the slaughter.”

(Peaches for Monsieur le Curé)


Doctor Who Time TripsJoanne’s story ‘The Loneliness of the Long-Distance Time Traveller’ out on 5th March 2015 in print form as part of this great collection.

Joanne Harris


Read posts from Joanne:



So here I am, back from holiday, with sand in my shoes and the song of the sea still echoing in my eardrums, to a mountain of correspondence, including some cheery news, of which more later, when the details are ironed out. It’s astonishing how creative doing very little can be – but I’m relieved to be back to work. So many things are happening this month: the Nine Worlds Fantasy Convention ( this week, plus a trip on the Royal Scotsman, plus the première performance of my new pop-up opera, CLOCKWORK, co-written with Lucie Treacher for the Tête-à-Tête opera company, and performed free from Thursday to Sunday all over London – see below for details. I haven’t seen it yet, but I’m looking forward to it. If you happen to catch a show, please tell me your thoughts…

Times and locations here:




July 17th, 2014

Thanks, everyone for your kind messages about THE GOSPEL OF LOKI, plus your fanart, fiction and music. I’ve really enjoyed the ride with this book, and I’m looking forward to reading from it again at Nine Worlds next month. Meanwhile, here’s the Bookshop Band, with their Loki-inspired song (we’ll be seeing a lot more of them in the future, I think)…


Also, Zombies, Run! S3 is out at last, including the episode I wrote – any ZR fans out there, I’d love to know what you thought of it.


After a frenzied couple of months, I’m off on my annual holiday away from our friends electric. That means no Twitter, no tumblr, no e-mail – how will I cope?- but also no stress and no mobile phone, although I don’t think I could travel without my laptop. Hopefully I shall return relaxed, re-energized and ready to face the world again – and by then I may have some interesting news. Watch this space, and try not to break the internet while I’m away…



Apologies to everyone who has been waiting for us to announce the winners of the competition.  Pressure of work  has delayed things although the winners have been chosen and were announced on the Norse Mythology Blog a few days ago.  Check

I’m sure you will agree there were some great entries.


Last Friday I opened a new suite at Barnsley Hospital.  Here’s something about the new facility:


I am happy to announce my involvement with Zombies, Run as a guest writer, and the launch of Season 3.

January 2014

Gospel of Loki Web Banner 1

New for Easter!

The Little Book of ChocolatThe Little Book of Chocolat

For all those in need of a little indulgence . . .

Rich, moist black-and-white chocolate cake; dark, gleaming truffles; spiced hot chocolate with crème Chantilly and chocolate curls; Aztec chocolate orange cake and chocolate pudding with salted caramel sauce. The ultimate book of chocolate recipes to bring a touch of Lansquenet magic to your kitchen.

Gospel of Loki competition results

Can I say first how hard it was for me to choose only three winners . Your entries – stories, poems, songs, gifs, animations and artwork in all kinds of media – were all so good in their very different ways, so imaginative, colourful and original. Thank you for sending them – I’ve enjoyed every one.

However, the three winners, who will receive goodie bags and LOKI proofs are:

There are so many other great entries, but I only have three proofs of the book!

October 2013

Summer seems to have come and gone with alarming speed, as always. I’ve just come back from a mini-tour of France, and another of Spain, both to promote Peaches. Last week I was in Quebec, promoting Peaches in French; next week I’m off to Gibraltar, then after that – who knows? After a while you just lose track of all the places you’re meant to be.  I’m also still working on the sequel to Gentlemen and Players – working title; Different Class. I like to have a working title; it helps me feel grounded in the work, but I can get superstitious if a publisher asks me to change it once I’ve become attached to it. so I’m rather hoping they like this one.

My garden has gone crazy; a combination of heat and rain has created a kind of jungle, so that the Shed is almost buried under blackberry tangles and overburdened fruit trees. I have somehow managed to inherit a cat from an elderly neighbour who died – not a cute little moggy, but a swaggering buccaneer called Vlad, who hunts with chilling efficiency, sleeps in the greenhouse, eats cheese and has so far bitten everyone but me.

I’m also working on a couple of other things, which are frustratingly under wraps at the moment. Watch this space for more details as they emerge. The website is about to change its look, although the content will stay more or less the same – I’m just trying to make it look simpler and less cluttered, and to tie in some of my online stuff so that it’s all more easily accessible.

Plus: The Gospel of Loki is now all shiny and polished and edited and ready to roll, with a terrific new jacket design (and that all-important middle initial). And if that wasn’t enough, I have a new short story out, along with Garth Nix, Neil Gaiman, Ramsey Campbell and Tanith Lee, in the anthology Fearie Tales (Find it on Amazon) – no, not a typo, but a play on the gruesome side of fantasy.

My story is called The Girl Who Loved the Silken Folk, and followers of my Twitter #storytime may recognize some familiar characters. I’ll be talking about Loki and Fearie Tales at the Brighton FantasyCon in October. I hope I’ll see some of you there.